9 a cappella voices, performing music for the soul.

They could just sing.
But they chose to vibrate, to give free expression to their inner selves, their very essence, to unite and come together in a single breath of abandon.
They could just sing.
But they transmit, they offer themselves, they make themselves available, opening up new possibilities.

‘Messengers, bearers of life’… they are above all WOMEN, each one unique and different…
Their origins, from Europe, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa or the diaspora, intersect and intertwine in a way that allows their individuality to emerge.
They could have limited themselves to singing… They invite you to share and exchange, before or after each of their performances, to discover more than just the music, more than just a group, human beings meeting other human beings.
9 a cappella voices, performing music for the soul.
Whatever the style, from gospel songs to a French Nativity carol, including powerful traditional songs in which the secular harmoniously blends with the sacred, they always express their truth with authenticity, emotion and sincerity.
Featuring an original repertoire and Emmanuel PiDjob’s wide range of compositions and arrangements, let FEELIN’S9’s voices immerse you in the heart of femininity in plural…
Video playlist
A project supported by Epimuzik